这是C ++程序,用于实现Sundaram筛,以在给定范围之间生成素数。该算法由Sundaram于1934年发现。
Begin printPrimes(n) Here we find out primes smaller than n, we reduce n-2 to half. We call it New. New = (n-2)/2; Create an array marked[n] that is going to be used to separate numbers of the form i+j+2ij from others where 1 <= i <= j Initialize all entries of marked[] as false. Mark all numbers of the form i + j + 2ij as true where 1 <= i <= j for i=1 to New a) j = i; b) Loop While (i + j + 2*i*j) 2, then print 2 as first prime. Remaining primes are of the form 2i + 1 where i is index of NOT marked numbers. So print 2i + 1 for all i such that marked[i] is false. End
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int SieveOfSundaram(int m) { int N= (m-2)/2; bool marked[N + 1]; memset(marked, false, sizeof(marked)); for (int i=1; i<=N; i++) for (int j=i; (i + j + 2*i*j) <= N; j++) marked[i + j + 2*i*j] = true; if (m > 2) cout << 2 << " "; for (int i=1; i<=N; i++) if (marked[i] == false) cout << 2*i + 1 << " "; } int main(void) { int m = 10; SieveOfSundaram(m); return 0; }
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